Angel pendant in silver by George Postgate

Angel pendant in silver, an original, designed and made by George Postgate. This pendant was carved and built up in wax using traditional techniques and then cast in sterling silver. It is one of three that George has made, the first two were cast in gold. You can order a gold version as an custom order, its price will be
determined at the time your order is placed.

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We have a wide selection of our work on FaceBook. Some pieces are shown in various stages of completion. When we do a special piece for a customer we often send them image of waxes. This makes it easier for them to understand what we are doing. It also allows us to work together and insure the creation of something special:

The angel pendant in silver was created with one arm extended in a gesture of compassion and love. If you order a custom version George will make changes to further customize your angel like changing the positions of the arms or even adding things like a harp or trumpet. These changes will also increase the price of the angel depending upon how much time is required to make the changes.

Each of the angel pendants in silver is re-detailed by hand and takes considerable time to complete. The angel is approximately 1, 1/4 X 2” in size. He is hanging from a trinity knot.
When Christian monks first came to Ireland to make converts, they were amazed to find stone crosses prominently placed across the island. They also found symbols like the trinity knot that were part of traditional Irish art that they could use to teach the faith. The conversion of the Irish to Christianity may have been the only one that was not violent. The trinity knot seemed perfect for this piece but we can also make other hangers for the angel as a custom order.

Angel pendant in silver, Special orders:

 A special order for this pendant should be ready to ship within 6 weeks. This is only an estimate, we will give you a more specific date when you place your order. To learn more about custom ordering pieces please use this link:



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