Celtic jewelry

Celtic Jewelry

Celtic jewelry design is represented in many of our jewelry designs. The art and design of the Celts dominated much of Europe for many centuries, and has many branches. Viking gripping beast designs are very similar to ancient Irish and Scottish designs for example.

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The area controlled by the Celts extended from Greenland to Ireland and the British isles to Northern Italy. There are even groups in Italy dedicated to preserving Northern Italy’s Celtic heritage. One of my favorite publications on early Celtic art and society is “Celtica,”  a beautifully produced magazine from Italy. The images within are beautiful and make me wish that I spoke Italian. I received a few copies that even came with CD’s of Celtic music. Ancient Celtic looking, red haired, skeletons have even been found in China. There were fragments of cloth that look like Scottish tartan found with the remains. Celtic knot designs and illuminations have influenced jewelry design for centuries and continue to influence The art of designers and artists like ourselves.


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